c.o.r.n!hub is colorful, eclectic, agile, radical and versatile.
c.o.r.n!hub is idiosyncratic, approachable, strong, affectionate and dedicated.
c.o.r.n!hub is posh, risky, frisky, wet and honest.
c.o.r.n!hub is healthy, global, intimate, fun and secure.
c.o.r.n!hub is inspiring, creative, sassy, complex and cool.
c.o.r.n!hub is ironic, iconic, iconoclastic, fantastic and edgy.
c.o.r.n!hub is surgical, maniacal, driven, passionate amd loving.
c.o.r.n!hub is mathematical, poetic, philantropical, neat and tidy.
c.o.r.n!hub is collectivistic, positive, sweaty, dirty and flamboyant.
c.o.r.n!hub is controversial, fresh, open, tender and utopian.
c.o.r.n!hub is happy, calm, prepared, willing and ready.
c.o.r.n!hub would NEVER under any circumstance:
not give a fuck
undermine (except for all authority!)
or eradicate (except for all ignorance)
c.o.r.n!hub gives meaning.
c.o.r.n!hub asks questions.
c.o.r.n!hub holds everything together.
c.o.r.n!hub is bliss.
c.o.r.n!hub is art.
c.o.r.n!hub is love.
c.o.r.n!hub is a temple.
c.o.r.n!hub is within everybody.
c.o.r.n!hub is human nature.
c.o.r.n!hub is part of life.
c.o.r.n!hub is the alpha and the omega.
most importantly: c.o.r.n!hub is just there for you.
c.o.r.n!hub understands.
c.o.r.n!hub respects.
c.o.r.n!hub tolerates.
c.o.r.n!hub cares.
c.o.r.n!hub forgives.
c.o.r.n!hub provides.
c.o.r.n!hub protects.
c.o.r.n!hub nourishes.
c.o.r.n!hub sustains.
c.o.r.n!hub prevails.
...and most of all c.o.r.n!hub worries not.